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From extensive, complete car paint jobs to individual panels, our technicians understand exactly how to assess and execute your paint job with accuracy and efficiency! Here at WreckAMend we provide top customer service with updates on your vehicle almost every day. Whether it is damaged repairs or car painting we are sure to keep you posted on your car as we are working as efficiently and fast as possible to get it done and back on the road. Our technicians have lots of practice and experience on doing the work that these cars need done. The manager of this facility alone has over 30 years of experience to make sure your car is looking brand new fixed & painted the right way! Our auto paint services include proper preparation before painting, color-matching for collision repairs and you could also add custom color paint jobs as well. Get your car to look like new again with high-quality auto painting services at WreckAMend. We match your current auto paint to erase the signs of damage. Not excited about your current color? We do complete body paint jobs, transforming your car into the car of your dreams. Weather damage is no problem as well, when a car is sitting it begins to rust, the paint can fade, it could start losing color or if you also need hail damage repair that is no problem here! Bring in your car and let us handle the rest. Estimates are free. We'd love to get your car in as soon as possible to have it done as soon as possible so give us a call, I'd wreck-a-mend it! 

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